What is color temperature?
- Color temperature is simply as a method of describing the color characteristics of light, usually either warm (yellowish) or cool (bluish), and measuring it in degrees of Kelvin (°K). Lower temps are warmer and higher temps appear cooler. As an example 2700K produces a warm light and higher temps 6000K plus produce a cool light.
When do I recharge the battery pack?
- Some people say that you shouldn’t allow a Li-Ion battery to become fully exhausted before recharging, other people say it doesn’t matter.Truth is, you can recharge anytime. With Li-Ion batteries it doesn’t really matter because the discharge is closely regulated by on-board circuits.
How to remove the base plate
- Hold the light in both hands so that the base plate is facing upward and the light tube is facing left.
- Place your left thumb on the “nose” of the base plate and your right thumb on the oval shaped hole in the base plate.
- Using your thumbs push the base plate towards the back of the unit. This should be towards your right.
- The base plate will move about 1/4 of an inch and you will feel the plate gently spring upwards
- Then simply pull the base plate off
Can I plug my ML200 into a wall outlet?
Proper installation is very important. If you are unsure of a proper installation contact a professional.